Looking for help? Need to find a particular topic? Call our office and let us see if we have it for you (334) 567-2252.
Our library has hundreds of materials including, books, CDs, and DVDs available free for checkout. Materials may be borrowed for up to 4 weeks. To access materials you may visit our library or call our center to be mailed resources right to your home. Our library houses materials in the following areas of interest:
- Disability Resources
- Special and Regular Education
- Adult Education
- Mental Health Resources
- Safe and Healthy Schools and Communities
- Bullying Prevention
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment
- Child and Domestic Abuse, and Violence Prevention
- Health and Nutrition
- School Testing and Evaluation
- Early Childhood Resources
- Parenting Resources babies to teens
- Marriage and Family
- Job Readiness and Vocational Resources
- School Improvement and Family Engagement Resources
- Educator and Teacher Resources
- Universal Design for Learning
- Response to Instruction
- Behavior and Discipline for Families and Schools
- Assistive Technology
- Inclusion Resources
- IEP, IFSP, and 504 Resources
Organizations or schools can partner with APEC to set up local Family Library Centers using our resources. Call our center to ask how (334) 567-2252