The Alabama Parent Training & Information (AL PTI) project provides information and services to Alabama families with children ages birth to twenty-six with disabilities. The program is designed to empower and enable them to work collaboratively with schools and agencies to improve services for their children.
AL PTI provides free information and training to families to assist them in becoming advocates for their children with disabilities.
Training is focused on assisting families to effectively access community support and other available resources, understanding special education law, increasing knowledge of and accessing alternative dispute resolution, and increase knowledge of other disability issues.
Services for families include:
- Individual Consultation to assist families to effectively prepare and participate in their children’s education, IEP, 504, and other educationally related meetings.
- Workshops and group training to increase technical knowledge of special education, and disabilities.
- A Resource Library with an array of information on educational issues and parenting resources.
- A website that houses information about disabilities, special education, and alternate dispute resolution options. The website also provides useful links to local, state, and national clearinghouses that provide information and services to families with children with disabilities.
AL PTI provides leadership opportunities for families interested in an in-depth technical understanding of effective disability advocacy. Training is focused on developing leadership skills that will assist them to improve educational outcomes for all children with disabilities. In the program, each participant:
- Attends multiple sessions.
- Obtains technical knowledge in community resources, special education, and leadership skills.
- Develops a Personal Leadership Plan to assist other families in their local community.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – 2004
The passage of the 2004, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ushered in a new era of special education reforms focused on results for students. Parents are provided with new options to participate in their children’s education and accountability systems under IDEA and those are aligned with options under No Child Left Behind.
It is more important than ever for parents to have a thorough understanding of the law and its implications in their children’s education.
Building the Legacy: IDEA 2004
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.
Infants and toddlers with disabilities (birth-2) and their families receive early intervention services under IDEA Part C. Children and youth (ages 3-21) receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B.
To learn more or enroll your child, contact our center.
Disclaimer: The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H328M150012. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Gregory Knollman.