Programs and Services

Programs and Services

Alabama Parent Training & Information Center

The AL PTI project provides information and services to Alabama families with children ages birth to twenty-six with disabilities. The program is designed to empower and enable them to work collaboratively with schools and agencies to improve services for their children. Learn more about the program.

Youth Transition Project

The goal of the youth transition project is to assist teens with special circumstances such as learning or physical disabilities in their transition from youth to young adult. The program covers a wide spectrum of services to support a smooth transition. Learn more.

School Improvement Services (SIS)

APEC works with Alabama schools providing training, information, and support to improve education through family engagement.  Parents and families can directly impact children's learning. When parents are involved, students achieve more, exhibit more positive attitudes and behavior, and feel more comfortable in new settings. Learn more about the program.

Imagination Library

Dolly Parton Imagination Library of Elmore County - The Imagination Library works to foster a love of reading among the county’s preschool children and their families by providing them with the gift of a specially selected book each month. By mailing high quality, age-appropriate books directly to their homes, we hope that childrenwill be excited about books and feel the magic that books can create. Learn more about the program.

Cooperative Parenting

Families change but parenting is forever. Many families restructure through marriage, separation, divorce, remarriage, or civil unions but, the needs of children don't change.  All children benefit from caring adult relationships that provide structure, love, and support in any family structure.  Learn more about the program.

Special Families

Our Special Families project provides both primary and secondary training and awareness to families and those who serve them. We provide prevention services to parents of children with disabilities to assist them in parenting their children and connecting with other families and community resources.  We also provide prevention services to agency personnel and the community at large to increase awareness of disability related issues. . Learn more about the program.

Dedicated Dads

Dedicated Dads will help incarcerated fathers to responsibly connect emotionally and financially with their children prior to release from the Alabama Department of Corrections (DOC).  We will also provide secondary prevention education services to engage fathers to be actively involved in their children’s lives upon release. Learn more about the program.

Fathers Forward

All children deserve a loving father who is actively involved in their life.
The Alabama Parent Education Center's Fathers Forward program, in partnership with Elmore County Department of Human Resources, and Elmore County District Circuit Court Child Support Division, provides programming to assist Elmore County fathers to connect with their children legally, emotionally, and financially. Learn more about the program.


To learn more or enroll your child, contact our center.
To financially support our programs, make a tax deductible donation